The Universe is Not a God

The feast of Eid al-Adha is a day to commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim's incident that is willing to slaughter his son, the prophet who is willing to do anything for the sake of his God. God of the universe, the God who created the heavens, the earth and the whole.
universe is not a good
Allah is the creator of this universe
In addition to the story of slaughter of Prophet Ismail by Prophet Ibrahim, there is something quite interesting from the story of the prophet Ibrahim, that is when the journey of Prophet Ibrahim looking for his God. Prophet Ibrahim traveled for days to seek his God, and he observed all the objects of the universe, from the stars, the moon and the Sun. this story is in the Qur'an Surah Al-An'am verse 75-79 :

Verse 75 :
وَكَذَلِكَ نُرِي إِبْرَاهِيمَ مَلَكُوتَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ وَلِيَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُوقِنِينَ
"And thus We show Abraham the signs of the glory (We who are) in the heavens and the earth, and (We show them) that Ibrahim is of the believers."

Verse 76 :
فلما جن عليه الليل رأى كوكبا قال هذا ربي فلما أفل قال لا أحب الآفلين
"When the night has darkened, he sees a star (then) he says: "This is my Lord" But when the star drowned he said: "I do not like the drowning ones".

Verse 77 :
فلما رأى القمر بازغا قال هذا ربي فلما أفل قال لئن لم القوم الضالين
"Then when he saw the rising moon he said:" This is my Lord ". But when the moon sets, he says: "If my Lord has not guided me, I will be among the heretics."

Verse 78 :
فلما رأى الشمس بازغة قال هذا ربي هذا أكبر فلما أفلت قال يا قوم إني بريء مما تشركون
"Then when he saw the rising sun he said:" This is my Lord, this is the greater one ", so when the sun sets, he says:" O my people! I am detached from what ye associate (the Sun). "

Verse : 79
إني وجهت وجهي للذي فطر السماوات والأرض حنيفا وما أنا من المشركين
"Verily I have exposed myself to the Lord who created the heavens and the earth tending to true religion, and I am not of those who associate the God."

Explanation :
In the above verses, Allah ordered the Prophet Muhammad to narrate the propagation of Prophet Ibrahim who invites humans to be religious monotheism and avoids the worship of a statue that brings human to error, accompanied by strong reasons and evidence. The universe and all its contents are powerful to prove the unity of God and the wickedness of the idolaters (Musyrikiin).

Verse 75.
In this verse Allah gives an explanation again, how Allah revealed the majesty of his creation in the heavens and the earth. Allah revealed to Ibrahim the heavenly bodies of varying shapes and arrangements, all of them circulating according to each rule on a regular basis. Earth consisting of layers that contain lots of minerals and jewelry, is very useful and give many benefit to humans.
All of that is a proof of Allah's majesty, which can be understood by human, by thinking according to his word (Al-Qur'an).
Allah also explains the purpose of the introduction of Ibrahim to the beauty of his creation, in order to be made evidences in preaching to unbelieving idolaters (Musyrikiin), and become a guide for him to be someone who truly believe in the unity of Allah.

Verse 76.
After that Allah explained the process of introducing Ibrahim to God in details explanation. first experience of Prophet Ibrahim when looking at the stars. at the time the stars appear to glow and when the star is not glowing.
Ibrahim saw a brightest star. Then the question arises in his heart. "Is this my Lord? But after the star sank and disappeared from his view, there was a belief that he was unhappy with the drowning and disappearing, let alone regarding it as God.
This was the reason of Ibrahim to break the faith of his people that "all that changed was not deserved to be a God". The conclusion of Ibrahim is the conclusion of the right way of thinking that accordance with nature. And anyone who makes same observations so they will produce same conclusion.

Verse 77.
This verse is similar to the previous verse. Allah also explains the observation of the Prophet Ibrahim against the luminous celestial bodies and the greater, it is the Moon.
After the Prophet Ibrahim saw the rising Moon, an impression came to his heart to say, "Is this my Lord?" Then after the moon sets out from the horizon and disappears from his view, he gives the same statement as when he saw the stars set, to his people to know that the Moon is also not God. The second statement of the prophet Ibrahim is more appealing than the first.

Verse 78.
Allah tells his stronger insinuation. That is the observation of the Prophet Abraham to the sun, the most luminous celestial bodies in the universe,
When he sees the sun rising on the horizon, he says "What I see now is my Lord, It is greater than the Stars and the Moon." But after the sun set and disappeared from his view, he issued a warning to his people: "O my people, actually I escape from what you worship."
This insinuation is the stronger insinuation to silence his people so that they do not make any argument to deny the truth brought by Ibrahim.

Verse 79.
After some of his observations Ibrahim devoted himself to worshiping to Allah who created the heavens and the earth.
Ibrahim tended to the religion of monotheism (a religion that held that God is one) and stated that other religions were void, and he was not among the polytheists. The Universe is not a God, and the God is the only one. 

The Change of Qibla Direction

Is it possible to change the direction of qibla ? may be. the direction of qibla still facing the Ka'ba in Mecca, but the direction that will shift. qibla direction may occur, this is caused by a shift in the earth's plate, or earthquake.
The Chage of Qibla Direction caused by earthquake
Source :
In a study conducted by Yusfania, she explained about the shift location caused by the earthquake that occurred in Sumatra or the Indian Ocean, the study resulted in the conclusion that the earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in April 2012 led to a position shift of 0.3 - 2.4 meters to North East.

This is a fact that we must accept, because if the position of a place changes, it will certainly change the coordinates of the place, and then it will have an impact on the shift in direction of the qiblah at someplace.

Earthquakes are very common, especially in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country with earthquake potential. This happens because the location of Indonesia which is the meeting center of the plates of the Earth, among others, Eurasia, the Philippines, Caroline, Indo-Australia, Pacific and several other minor plates (Hamilton: 1979). In addition, this earthquake is caused by tectonic activity of the plates. Plates it continues to move like the Eurasian and Indo-Australian plates which have an average moving northward, while the Philippine plate movements tend towards the northwest (Hamilton: 1979 in USGS: 2011). Associated with the philipine plate, the Caroline plate has a movement towards the southeast in part of Aru riverbed and towards the northwest in part of Yap riverbed (Seno: 1992 in USGS: 2011).

Therefore, in order to minimize the change of direction of the qibla at someplace, the direction of the qibla should be updated regularly. Because if the shift is collected caused by several earthquakes, then surely the impact will be great.

Renewal of the direction of the qibla should be done by experts, Islamic Astronomer, The Jurist and also Geodesy master. Intensive research should be made to the direction of the qibla at someplace that should also involve the community. So that the public knows about the facts of shifting the direction of qibla caused by a shift of the earth's plate, and for the public to be more careful.

Visit this link for the next discussion. The Change of Qibla Direction 2

Rules facing to The Qiblah

kakbah the qibla of moslem
Source : Google Earth Software

Understanding of the direction of Qiblah is very simple, because the problem of the direction of Qibla is only a directional problem, is the direction of the Ka'ba which is in Mecca and each place must have different direction in facing Qibla.

In simple terms it can be seen that the area in the South Kabah facing to the North, the area located in the North Kabah facing to the South, the area in the East Kabah facing to the West, the area in the West Kabah facing East,

If further clarified then the area located in the North East Kabah facing to the South West, the area located in the South East of the Kabah facing to the North West, the area located in the South West Kabah facing the North East and the area located in the North West Kabah facing South East.

It can be a bit complicated if we further see that the earth is round, then there must be a special calculation for it, but if in a state of urgency can use the logic above.

The meaning of Qiblah in language is derived from the word قبل- يقبل - قبلة, which means facing, whereas in term, the islamic astronomers define with the Direction closest to the Ka'ba, The direction in which Muslims confront their faces during the prayer.

So why should we face qibla ???

The scientist of the fiqh agree that facing the Qiblah in the prayer is a requirement of the validity of the prayer, as the syar'I proposition exists:

Allah has commanded this three times, namely in Al-Baqarah: 144,149 and 150:
قد نرى تقلب وجهك في السماء فلنولينك قبلة ترضاها فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وحيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم شطره وإن الذين أوتوا الكتاب ليعلمون أنه الحق من ربهم وما الله بغافل عما يعملون

and in the hadith :
 قال أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: اذا قمت الي الصلاة فاسبغ الوضوء ثم استقبل القبلة وكبر. رواه   البخارى ومسلم

For people around the holy mosque overlooking the Ka'ba is not a problem because they easily do that. Then what about the people who are far away with the Grand Mosque even outside the city of Mecca. Are we still required to face the true Ka'ba? Or just with an estimate only?

The opinion of the scholars:

Imam As Syafi'i & Shi'a Imamiyah:
Obligatory to the Ka'ba itself, both for the near and far.
If you can know the direction of the Ka'ba itself (exact), then it must face in that direction. If not, then just with an estimate only. (az-Zuhaily, Tafsir Al-Munir, p. 234)

Imam Hambali, Maliki, Hanafi & some scholars of Shi'a Imamiyah:
The direction of qibla is the direction in which the Ka'ba is located, not the Ka'ba itself. (As Suyuthiy, Al Asybah Wa An Nazair, p. 116)

The clerical agreement
All scholars agree that the Ka'ba is a qibla for those who are close and can see it. But they differ on the qibla for the distant and can not see it. (as-Sya'rani, Al-Miizaan Al-Kubra p. 116)

Based on the strongness of prejudice, there are 3 methods in determining the direction of Qibla
1. Overlooking Qibla Sure
A person who is inside the Grand Mosque (Masjidil Haram) and sees the Ka'ba directly, must face himself to Qibla with confidence. This is also referred to as "Ain al-Ka'ba".

2. Overlooking Qibla Estimates
Someone who is outside the Grand Mosque so that they can not see the Ka'ba building, they are obliged to face the Grand Mosque as the intent of facing Qibla in a dzan or approximation is called "Jihat al-Ka'ba"

3. Facing Qibla with Ijtihad
Ijtihad can be used to determine the direction of Qibla from a place far from the Holy Mosque, such as someone outside the holy land of Mecca or even outside Saudi Arabia, the method used is "Jihat al-Qiblah"

Why should a mathematical approach in determining the direction of Qibla?
As long as there is a more accurate way why choose another less accurate way, In a qaidah ushul fiqh
لا عبرة بالظن البين خطؤه
"The theory or practice that is based on the zan (allegation) that is clearly wrong is not considered"

When did 1 Dhul-Hijjah 1438 Begin?

The month of Dhul-Hijjah, or the month of Hajj in 2017 coincides with the year 1438. Ijtima' or the conjunction of the signing of the month of Dhul-Hijjah 1438 according to the book of Ittifaq Dzatil Bain happened on: Monday, 21 August 2017 18:35 UTC (Tuesday, 22 August 2017, 01:35 UTC+7). This conjunction coincides with the 17,256th month round in the Islamic date (Islamic Lunacy Number - ILN). In the evening of Tuesday, the crescent moon (hilal) will be visible in almost all parts of the world (see Hilal Visibility Map below).
Map of Crescent Visibility
Source : Accurate Times M. Odeh

Map of Hilal Visibility (Crescent) for 1 Dhul-Hijjah 1438. Most of the world will be able to see the moon on the evening of Tuesday, August 22, 2017. Thus calculation, 1 Dhul-Hijjah 1438 will fall on Wednesday, August 23, 2017.

In Indonesia, Insha Allah, there is no difference between the government and Islamic Organizations, especially Muhammadiyah and PERSIS. Likewise Saudi Arabia, which usually uses rukyatul hilal for the determination of the Wukuf date in Arafat and Eid al-Adha, will begin 1 Dhul-Hijjah 1438 H on the same day. The Ummul Qura calendar of Saudi Arabia shows 1 Dzulhijjah 1438 H falls on Wednesday, August 23, 2017.

If there is no official change from the government, then the following is the date of Wuquf and the holy day of Qurban, Eid al-Adha 2017 :
- Wukuf, 9 Dhul-Hijjah 1438 H is calculated on Thursday, August 31, 2017
- Eid al-Adha, 10 Dhul-Hijjah 1438 H is calculated on Friday, September 1, 2017
- Arafah Fasting year 1438 is calculated on Thursday, August 31, 2017

Below is a simulation of the moon's new state during the evening tuesday :

Calculation in the book of Ittifaq Dzatil Bain at Condrodipo, Gresik, Indonesia.

Ghurub (Sunset) Simulation at Condrodipo
Source : Stellarium 

Rukyatul Hilal Simulation at Condrodipo
Source : Stellarium

Ordinance of Eclipse Prayer


Source :

On this day, August 07, 2017 there will be an eclipse at midnight until the day move on August 8, 2017. at that time the sun's light reflected to the Moon will be obscured by the Earth's shadow.

This event becomes very interesting if observed, especially if we can record or immortalize it. But do not forget!, when the eclipse occurs, either the eclipse of the Moon or the Sun, is devoted to doing the eclipse prayer.

Then how the procedure of the eclipse prayer?. In the book of "Zaadul Ma'ad", the work of Ibn al-Qayyim is explained about the procedure of performing the eclipse prayer (Qayyim 1438: 349-356):

1. Intend in the heart and should not be mentioned because mentioning the intention does not include in the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad (Sunnah/Hadeeth) and the Prophet also never taught him intentions on certain prayers to his companions.

2. Takbiratul ihram is doing Takbir as usual prayer.

3. Read the Iftitah and Ta'awudz, then read the Al-Fatihah and read a long Surah (like the Al Baqarah) while being stitched (hardened voice, not soft) as contained in the hadeeth of A'ishah:
جهر النبى - صلى الله عليه وسلم - فى صلاة الخسوف بقراءته
"The Prophet annihilated his reading during the eclipse prayer." (Narrated by Bukhari no 1065 and Muslim 901)

4. Then doing Ruku' while extending it.

5. Then rise from Ruku '(I'tidal) while saying "Sami' Allah li Man Hamidah, Rabbana wa Laka al-Hamd"

6. After this I'tidal did not directly prostrate, but continued by reading Al-Fatihah and long Surah again. This second stand is shorter than the first.

7. Then doing Ruku' again (second Ruku') which length is shorter than Ruku' before.

8. Then rise from ruku' (I'tidal) again.

9. Then prostrate as long as Ruku', then sit between two prostrations and then bow down again.

10. Then rose from prostration and worked on the second raka'at as the first raka'at only the reading and the movements are shorter than before.

11. Tasyahud.

12. Greetings (doing Salam).

13. The priest then gives a sermon to the congregation that contains the suggestion for dhikr, praying, alms, and freeing slaves.