The Change of Qibla Direction 2

In the previous article, has been described how the potential for changes qibla direction at someplace that caused by the earthquake. Visit this Link! The Change of Qibla Direction.

Now, in this article we will describe one example of the shift of coordinates that caused by the earthquake, and the changing direction of qibla. How big is it? And how big is the change?

Sample of Qibla Direction Change
Simulation of The Change of Qibla Direction
One of the mosques we have sampled is the Baiturrahim mosque in Ule Lheue, Aceh, Indonesia. One of the areas that was hit by the Tsunami on December 26, 2004 with a strength 9.3 Mw. The tsunami was the result of an earthquake in the Indian Ocean, which took victims from six countries : Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the Maldives and Somalia.

Simulation of Tsunami 2004 in Indian Ocean
Source :
Please see some image below, these images we got from Google satellite imagery in Google Earth App, in a few different times.

The Shift of The Baiturrahim Mosque
Image 1 : The Capture of Baiturrahim 2004
Image 1: Satellite images taken on June 23, 2004, before the earthquake occured. in this figure there is the coordinate value of the roof of the Baiturrahim Mosque is 5˚ 33 '21.4 "N and 95˚ 17' 1.7" E.

The Shift of The Baiturrahim Mosque
Image 2 : The Capture of Baiturrahim 2005

Image 2 : Satellite images on January 28, 2005, images taken several months after the earthquake. the coordinates shifted to 5˚ 33 '20.67 "N and 95˚ 17' 1.61" E. coordinates shifted to the South West.

The Shift of TheMosque
Image 3 : The Capture of Baiturrahim 2009

Image 3: Satellite image on June 16, 2009, image taken 4 years after the earthquake. The coordinates again shifted towards the North East, the coordinates are 5˚ 33 '20.97 "N and 95˚ 17' 2.22" E

The Shift of TheMosque
Image 4 : The Capture of Baiturrahim 2010

Image 4: Satellite images on July 8, 2010, shifting South East to 5˚ 33 '20.9 "N and 95˚ 17' 2.39" E

The Shift of TheMosque
Image 5 : The Capture of Baiturrahim 2017
Image 5 : The last image on January 29, 2017, shifting North East to 5˚ 33 '20.95 "N and 95˚ 17' 2.54" E
The Shift of The Mosque Latitude
Latitude Shift's
The Shift of The Mosque Longitude
Longitude Shift's
Of the drawings, the greatest shift occurred between June 23, 2004 and January 28, 2005. where between the dates there was a very large earthquake. The latitude shifts by 0.73 " to the South and longitude shifts by 0.09" to the West.

There was also a substantial shift, between January 28, 2005 and June 16, 2009, after I searched further, there was also some earthquake that occurred between that date, at Nias, Indonesia in 2005 and at West Sumatra, Indonesia in 2007. The latitude shift by 0.3 " to the North and longitude shifts by 0.61" to the East.

For the other date the shift is not too large, is between 0.05 "- 0.17", because there is no earthquake, the shift according to our, occurs caused by the shift of the earth's plate, but not too large, so it didn't cause an earthquake.

As for the qibla shift, I have calculated the direction of the qibla from some conditions with spherical algorithms calculation, can be seen from the following table:
The Shift of The Mosque qibla
Qibla Direction Shift's
The shifting direction of the qiblah that happened was very small, and almost no effect, less than 0.5". The 0.5" impact was caused by the tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004. Then the impact of the Nias and West Sumatra earthquakes was less than 0.3", while in other condition, the qibla direction shifted less than 0.2" .

A shift in the direction of qibla is very possible, although the shift is very small, but it should be checked regularly, because if the slight shift is repeated several times it will produce a big shift.

Visit this link for the previous discussion. The Change of Qibla Direction 1

Determine The Direction of Qibla with Google Earth


What's interesting about Google Earth? Of course a lot. For the layman, Google Earth is often used to look at photos of his house, or hometown through space. Of course it's nice to see his hometown clearly visible through Google Earth. Everyone in the world will be able to see it. But not the least disappointed, his hometown was not visible at all, whether it is covered by cloud or satellite has not updated the image.

But different from the astronomers. Google Earth is also usually used by them. The ability of Google Earth to identify the surface of the Earth and define it with the value of latitude and longitude make Google Earth useful as a pointer coordinate of a place and determining the direction of Qibla in some places.

How to find the coordinates and direction of Qibla?, Let's see the following explanation! Previously downloaded Google Earth software first! visit this link! Download.

Looking for coordinates somewhere.
1. Go to Google Earth
2. Search the city name in the search field
3. Move the pointer or mouse to where to look for the coordinates
4. See the coordinate values ​​at the bottom of the screen

Examples of searching for the coordinates of Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Indonesia and Ka'ba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia:

coordinate istiqlal in google earth
Coordinate of Istiqlal, Jakarta, Indonesia

coordinate ka'ba in google earth
Coordinate of Ka'ba, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

Looking for a Qibla direction somewhere
1. Open Google Earth
2. Find the place to search for the direction of the Qibla, also look for the Ka'ba.
3. Move to place area (place to search direction of Qibla)
4. Press the "ruler" button
determine qibla direction with google earth

5. Click on the area of ​​the mosque and drag the line to the ka'ba
determine qibla direction with google earth

determine qibla direction with google earth

6. Move to the place area again
determine qibla direction with google earth

7. see the results, we can also see the value of the azimuth Qibla in the column.

Good luck!

Rules facing to The Qiblah

kakbah the qibla of moslem
Source : Google Earth Software

Understanding of the direction of Qiblah is very simple, because the problem of the direction of Qibla is only a directional problem, is the direction of the Ka'ba which is in Mecca and each place must have different direction in facing Qibla.

In simple terms it can be seen that the area in the South Kabah facing to the North, the area located in the North Kabah facing to the South, the area in the East Kabah facing to the West, the area in the West Kabah facing East,

If further clarified then the area located in the North East Kabah facing to the South West, the area located in the South East of the Kabah facing to the North West, the area located in the South West Kabah facing the North East and the area located in the North West Kabah facing South East.

It can be a bit complicated if we further see that the earth is round, then there must be a special calculation for it, but if in a state of urgency can use the logic above.

The meaning of Qiblah in language is derived from the word قبل- يقبل - قبلة, which means facing, whereas in term, the islamic astronomers define with the Direction closest to the Ka'ba, The direction in which Muslims confront their faces during the prayer.

So why should we face qibla ???

The scientist of the fiqh agree that facing the Qiblah in the prayer is a requirement of the validity of the prayer, as the syar'I proposition exists:

Allah has commanded this three times, namely in Al-Baqarah: 144,149 and 150:
قد نرى تقلب وجهك في السماء فلنولينك قبلة ترضاها فول وجهك شطر المسجد الحرام وحيث ما كنتم فولوا وجوهكم شطره وإن الذين أوتوا الكتاب ليعلمون أنه الحق من ربهم وما الله بغافل عما يعملون

and in the hadith :
 قال أبو هريرة رضي الله عنه: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: اذا قمت الي الصلاة فاسبغ الوضوء ثم استقبل القبلة وكبر. رواه   البخارى ومسلم

For people around the holy mosque overlooking the Ka'ba is not a problem because they easily do that. Then what about the people who are far away with the Grand Mosque even outside the city of Mecca. Are we still required to face the true Ka'ba? Or just with an estimate only?

The opinion of the scholars:

Imam As Syafi'i & Shi'a Imamiyah:
Obligatory to the Ka'ba itself, both for the near and far.
If you can know the direction of the Ka'ba itself (exact), then it must face in that direction. If not, then just with an estimate only. (az-Zuhaily, Tafsir Al-Munir, p. 234)

Imam Hambali, Maliki, Hanafi & some scholars of Shi'a Imamiyah:
The direction of qibla is the direction in which the Ka'ba is located, not the Ka'ba itself. (As Suyuthiy, Al Asybah Wa An Nazair, p. 116)

The clerical agreement
All scholars agree that the Ka'ba is a qibla for those who are close and can see it. But they differ on the qibla for the distant and can not see it. (as-Sya'rani, Al-Miizaan Al-Kubra p. 116)

Based on the strongness of prejudice, there are 3 methods in determining the direction of Qibla
1. Overlooking Qibla Sure
A person who is inside the Grand Mosque (Masjidil Haram) and sees the Ka'ba directly, must face himself to Qibla with confidence. This is also referred to as "Ain al-Ka'ba".

2. Overlooking Qibla Estimates
Someone who is outside the Grand Mosque so that they can not see the Ka'ba building, they are obliged to face the Grand Mosque as the intent of facing Qibla in a dzan or approximation is called "Jihat al-Ka'ba"

3. Facing Qibla with Ijtihad
Ijtihad can be used to determine the direction of Qibla from a place far from the Holy Mosque, such as someone outside the holy land of Mecca or even outside Saudi Arabia, the method used is "Jihat al-Qiblah"

Why should a mathematical approach in determining the direction of Qibla?
As long as there is a more accurate way why choose another less accurate way, In a qaidah ushul fiqh
لا عبرة بالظن البين خطؤه
"The theory or practice that is based on the zan (allegation) that is clearly wrong is not considered"

Google Qibla Finder

One of the requirements of a valid prayer is facing the Qibla, which is a Ka'ba in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

To determine the direction of qibla there are many ways, ranging from traditional to modern. Some use a very traditional tool like a stick, some use simple tools but still have a fairly high accuracy such as Mizwala and Istiwaaini, some also use modern tools as well as Teodholite and Total Station. Use of some of these ways may still cause difficulties if who will determine is a beginner.

Nowadays has come a very useful technology for all human activity, that is smartphone. These benefits also apply to the determination of Qibla direction. Lots of users or developers who already take advantage of this technology, a lot of software / program direction of the Qibla is made for smartphones, let alone android smartphone. There are currently around 500 to 600 Qibla direction apps in the playstore, but if we are going to download the app it will be a bit complicated and confused, especially as the accuracy of the apps itself is untested.

But Google has responded to that, Google has presented a web-based qibla direction program that is highly compatible with smartphones especially android and has a very nice interface. The program is called Google Qibla Finder.

To use it we just need to open the browser, any browser through our smarphone, then slide to the site Google Qibla Finder then we will be taken to the Google Qibla Finder page.

Then please note that the GPS position must be in a state of luminous, so that our android can read the coordinates of where we are. In the next step we will choose the interface language we want, then press the Let's Go!

Then Google Qibla Finder will directly calculate, measure the direction of Qibla and apply it to a map which is the location where we are.

If we flip smartphone towards the front, then the interface will turn into a camera and the line appears which is the direction of our place qibla. We can directly mark the direction of Qiblah on our floor through the line that is in our smartphone camera.

Very practical without having to calculate and bring a tool to measure the direction of Qibla. Can we use wherever we are.

Note: There are some things to watch out for, smarphone must support multiple sensors, such as gps, compass and motion sensors, other than that the camera conditions must also be in normal. For the last step I can not exemplify because my camera is in error.

Good luck!